
Yum! Yum! Eat 'Um Up!

Hello my Dah-lings!  Welcome back to another Dish from the Diva!  Lots of going ons!  First, being ever observant, I've noticed Papi laying in a few grocery items and doing enough things (along with the cooler weather) that tells me its almost time for turkey.  YUMMY!  Lots of goodies for Big Sis (Shaddow) and I - and................... (wait for it)........................(wait for it)...................my New Little Sis!  GINGER!
Okay - technically she's not little.  She's about 9 months old (her birthday is being celebrated as St. Patrick's Day - March 17th) and weighs 12 pounds - eight pounds of which is legs!  I mean, seriously, this little girl is SKINNY and tall.  She's twice as tall as moi!  She's full of energy and loves to run!  As soon as she gets past her first birthday, I'll  think about giving her a little Diva training.  But right now she is just too, too, ....well, Blonde!  Hmmm!  Tall, leggy blonde and could fit in a purse - hope that Hilton bimbo doesn't hear about her!
Now - for those of you that may be interested in her parents (and you know you are out there ) - she is an Italian Greyhound - Chihuahua mix.  And no - I don't know which was which.  It doesn't matter - she is who she is - and is a joy to us all!
Hugs, Kisses, and Belly Rubs for All!



Hello Dear Hearts!  I try, for the most part to keep this little corner of the internet very light hearted.  Howver, on October 29th, my little sis, CoCo, passed away unexpectedly due to a brain/neurologic problem.  It literally broke my heart to see Mummi and Poppi sleepwalking thru the preparations for their (wedding) anniversary getaway.  Poppi brought her back home to lay her to rest on the farm she had come to love and call home in her few short weeks of life.  They did take their little trip though and I think they were better for it.  I PROMISE I'll blog again next week and try to bring a smile to your face.
Rest in Peace little Sis.  I'll miss you!