Halllloooo my Lovelies! Let's jump right in.
Poppi and Mummi just got back from a trip to Florida. The purpose of the trip was two-fold. To pick up a new (for them) automobile and to visit the latest "pick-of-the-litter" - errrrrr, grandchild. Judging by the number of photographs taken in the few days they were gone, little Savvy, has got to be a contender for "Best In Show" honors. Also judging by the disparaging remarks heard, they had probs with the new car. They still aren't driving it though, as they are waiting on some papers. (I think they want to get the breed registered. - Do cars have breeds? hmmmmmm?)
Anyway, L'il Sis is all excited by the the L'il car. She was hopping around and going, "Lookie! Lookie, Sophie! Its a ride that's my size!" She can definitedly sit in it and look out the Windows. It's a cinch that Poppi won't be taking this car to do the grocery shopping. heh!
Poppi has a pic of the car on
his blog if you want to take a look.
We girls had a nice time while Mummi & Poppi were gone. Kim came over to stay & take care of us again. She's a sweet young lady. I sometimes wish she was our neighbor. Give us girls an excuse (as if we needed one) to go visiting. Well - that's about all for the mo.
Hugs, kisses, and belly rubs for all!